Terms & Conditions

We welcome you to fyidi.com By accessing the Site, you are agreeing to comply with these terms and conditions (including any linked information). By using the Site, you agree to be bound by this User Agreement. This Site should not be accessed, registered with, or used if you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions. 

These Terms and Conditions may change, modify, add, or remove portions at any time without prior notice. Changes will take effect when they are posted on the Site without further notice. The Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time, so check them regularly. You are considered to have accepted the Terms and Conditions of use when you continue to use the Site after posting of the changes.


You may need to create an account with us or provide personal information to complete the creation of an account to access certain services offered by the platform.

The username and/or password may be invalidated at any time without prior notice or reason at our sole and absolute discretion. As a result of such request or invalidation, we shall not be responsible for any losses suffered, caused by, arising out of, or as a result thereof.

The confidentiality of your user identification, password, account details, and related private information is your responsibility. By accepting this responsibility, you agree to maintain the security of your account and related details at all times and to take all necessary steps to prevent misuse of your account. You should inform us immediately if you believe your password has been compromised or if you suspect it is being misused. It is understood and agreed that any use of the Site and/or access to private information, data, or communications using your account and password will be deemed to be either performed by you or authorized by you. By accessing the Site and using any of its services (whether or not such access or use is authorized by you), you accept to be bound by its terms. As if the same were carried out or transmitted by you, we are entitled and obligated to act upon, rely on, and hold you responsible and liable in respect thereof. In addition, you agree to fully indemnify us against all losses arising from your use of or access to the Site.

Please make sure the information you give us is accurate and complete at all times. By logging into your account online, you are required to update information about your account in real time. You must contact us through one of our customer care communication channels to let us know about any information changes for which you are unable to access Your Account on the Site. We will then be able to help you with these updates. At any time and without prior notice to you, we reserve the right to prohibit access to the Site, terminate accounts, remove, or edit content.

We reserve the right to at any time and at our sole discretion request that you update your Personal Data or immediately invalidate your account and any associated information without prior warning or explanation. In neither case will we be held liable or responsible for any losses you may incur as a result of, in connection with, or as a result of such request or invalidation. By accepting this agreement, you commit to regularly changing your password, keeping your account safe, and being accountable for any disclosure of or use of your username or password (whether of whether such use is authorized or not).


Please take the time to read our Privacy Agreement, which also applies to your visit to the Site. Your usage of the Site and the personal information / data you supply to us will be treated in strict confidence in line with the Privacy Agreement and any and all applicable laws and regulations. Please refrain from using the Site if you disagree with how your information is shared or used in accordance with the Privacy Agreement.


You accept, agree, and agree that the Site is an online store where you can buy things at the quoted price whenever you want, from wherever you are, using the payment method of your choosing. You also agree and understand that we are merely acting as an intermediary and are unable to participate in or exert any kind of control over any transactions made through the Site or a payment gateway made accessible to you by a third-party service provider. The sale of products on our site will therefore be exclusively a two-way transaction between you and the vendors there, and the processing of payments will take place between you, the service provider, and, in the case of prepayments with electronic cards, your issuer bank.

So, the agreement for payment on the Site shall strictly be between you and the service provider identified on our Site.


We will do every effort to guarantee uninterrupted, consistent, and error-free access to the Site. This cannot be assured, though, given the nature of the Internet and the Site. Your access to the Site may also periodically be suspended or limited to make room for unexpected repairs, maintenance, or the addition of new facilities or services. We’ll make an effort to cut down on the frequency and length of any such suspensions or restrictions.


By using the Site, you must be at least 18 years old or be under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. This is. This is in order to confirm that you are able to enter into legally binding agreements. In accordance with the terms and conditions outlined below, we hereby give you a non-transferable, revocable, and non-exclusive license to access and use the Site solely for your own personal shopping for goods and services that are advertised for sale on the Site. Except as expressly authorized in advance by us, commercial use or use on behalf of any third party is prohibited.

If you are registering on behalf of a business entity, you guarantee that you are able to bind that entity to this User Agreement. In addition, you guarantee that both you and the business entity will abide by all regulations governing online trade. No individual or business organization may register on the Site more than once. The license granted in this clause may be terminated immediately and without prior notice for any violation of these Terms and Conditions.

This website only provides information. Product representations on this site, including prices, stock availability, features, add-ons, and other information, are the responsibility of the vendors who cannot guarantee that they are entirely correct. Submissions and opinions made on this website are those of the person(s) who posted them and may not represent our views.


You are not permitted to use the website in any way that interrupts, damages, or impairs in any way the Site or access to it. You must refrain from taking any actions that could endanger or threaten to endanger the Website, its officers, representatives, stakeholders, or any other parties who are either directly or indirectly connected to the Website or whose access to it may be disrupted, damaged, or compromised in any way. You are aware that the Site may only be used for legitimate business purposes. In addition, you alone, and not us, are entirely responsible for all electronic communications and information sent from your computer to us. You are not allowed to access the Site in any way.

For fraudulent purposes, in conjunction with a crime or illegal conduct, or for other reasons to send, use, or reuse any content that is not yours; is unlawful, offensive (including, but not limited to, content that is sexually explicit or that encourages racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm); deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, or menacing; ethnically objectionable, disparaging; or in violation of, consists of or contains software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any type of “spam”; or relates to or promotes money laundering or gambling; or is harmful to minors in any way; impersonates another person; threatens the unity, integrity, security, or sovereignty of Bangladesh; or friendly relations with foreign States; or is objectionable or otherwise unlawful in any way whatsoever.

Use the website for illicit activities.

To irritate, inconvenience, or unnecessarily worry

For any other reasons that are not those we have in mind


Your questions, reviews, comments, and suggestions (collectively, “Submissions”) that you send to us or submit through the Site will become our full and exclusive property and won’t be returned to you. You grant us the right to use your name in connection with any reviews, comments, or other content you post on the Site in addition to the rights applicable to any Submission when you post comments or reviews there. You may not give us or other parties misleading information about the origin of any Submissions by using a false e-mail address, posing as someone other than yourself, or in any other way. Without prior notification or taking any legal action, we may remove or edit any Submissions, but we are not required to.


On the Site, we provide listings for thousands of items being sold by different sellers.

On listings, we host several comments. We are unable to examine the details of every product that is placed for sale or every comment or review that is visible, though. As a result, our business model is “claim, review, and takedown.”

If you think any content on the site is unlawful, objectionable (including, but not limited to, content that is sexually explicit or that encourages racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm), misleading, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, or menacing; ethnically insensitive; disparaging; or otherwise harmful to third parties; in any way harms children, impersonates someone else, threatens the unity, integrity, security, or sovereignty of Bangladesh or friendly relations with foreign States, is unacceptable controversial or otherwise unlawful in any way at all, or is made up of or contains software viruses (“objectionable content”), please let us know as soon as possible by writing to us. We shall use all reasonable efforts to quickly examine and delete any legitimately problematic content that has been reported.

 Include as many specifics about your claim as you can, along with your name, address, and phone number. These details include the identity of the person who posted the offensive material, examples of the content that was objected to, supporting evidence, etc. Please be aware that failing to provide the necessary information will invalidate your claim and render it useless in court.


We also recognize a manufacturer’s ability to contract out exclusive resale or distribution rights for its goods. However, breaking such agreements is not considered an infringement of intellectual property rights. It would not be acceptable for us to assist in the enforcement of such actions since the manufacturer, distributor, and/or relevant reseller are responsible for carrying out the enforcement of these agreements. While we are unable to give legal advice or divulge any personally identifiable information that is protected by the law, we do advise that you contact a lawyer with any questions or concerns you may have about your rights.


Our trademarks or trademarks include our graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names. These elements may not be used in connection with any item or service that is not ours. They may not be used in a way that is likely to confuse customers, or in any way that disparages or discredits us. The owners of all other trademarks that appear on this website, who may or may not be related to, associated with, or endorsed by us, are the rightful proprietors of such trademarks.

All intellectual property rights in the website design, including but not limited to text, graphics, software, photos, videos, music, sound, and their selection and arrangement, as well as all software compilations, underlying source code, and software, whether registered or unregistered, shall remain our property. In accordance with international treaties and Bangladeshi copyright laws, the entire material on the Site is also protected by copyright as a collective work. Every right is protected.


You agree to use your best judgment before engaging in any transactions through the Site. You realize that you are accessing the services on the Site at your own risk. We clearly renounce all duty and obligation in this regard and promise that we will not be held liable or responsible for the sellers’ actions or inactions or for any breach of the terms, representations, or guarantees made by the sellers or the product’s manufacturers. Any disagreements or disputes between you and the product’s vendors or makers are not our responsibility to mediate or resolve.

In addition, we expressly disclaim any express or implied warranties or representations regarding the quality, suitability, accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or legality of the products listed, displayed, or transacted, or the content (including product or pricing information and/or specifications) on the Site. Although we have taken steps to prevent content inaccuracies, this Site, its content, information (including product prices), software, products, services, and related graphics are provided “as is,” without guarantee of any kind. The sale or purchase of any products on the Site is not supported or endorsed by us in any way, either implicitly or explicitly.


Any actions or inactions of any other service provider listed on our site, including but not limited to payment providers, installment programs, warranty services, and others, shall not be subject to our liability or responsibility.


On the Site, businesses other than Fyidi and its affiliates may run storefronts, offer services, or sell product lines. Businesses and individuals, for instance, advertise things on the Marketplace. We also offer links to the online presence of some other corporations and affiliates. The products or services of any of these people or businesses, or the information on their websites, are not subject to our examination, evaluation, or endorsement. We do not accept any responsibility for any of these third-party products, services, or materials. You can identify when a third party is einvolvedin in your transactions by carefully reading them. We might give that third party access to customer information relating to those transactions. Review their privacy policies and any relevant terms and conditions very carefully.


You communicate with us electronically when you use the Site or send emails to us. When placing an order with us, you will need to have a working phone number. You may get communications from us via email, SMS, phone call, postings on the Site, or any other method we determine. You agree to consider all forms of communication with the same importance and consent to receive communications from us (including transactional, promotional, and/or commercial messages) regarding your use of the website (and/or placement of your order).


Any business or personal losses (including but not limited to lost profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill, or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or consequential loss that was not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you first started using the Site are not covered by this disclaimer.


We reserve the right to alter the Site, its rules, these terms and conditions, and any other condition or service promise that is prominently published at any time. Unless a change to those policies or these conditions is mandated by law or a government agency, you will be bound by the terms and conditions in effect at the time you use the site (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you). The legality and enforceability of the remaining conditions will not be affected if any of these terms are found to be invalid, void, or for any other reason unenforceable.


If there is a delay or failure to perform under these terms due to a circumstance that is beyond our reasonable control, we shall not be held accountable. You still have all of your legal rights notwithstanding this condition.

You accept and agree that we are a privately owned business with the right to carry out our operations as we see fit in order to accomplish our goals. You accept that even if you violate the terms outlined on our site and we choose not to take any action, we are still within our rights to use these terms in future circumstances.


We may, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, immediately terminate the Terms and Conditions or withdraw some or all of the rights that have been given to you under the Terms and Conditions without giving you prior notice. If this Agreement is terminated, you must stop using and accessing the Site immediately, and we will, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, promptly revoke any passwords and account identifications we may have given you and prevent you from using the Site entirely. Any termination of this Agreement shall not impact the respective rights and obligations of the Parties arising prior to the termination date, including without limitation, payment obligations. You further acknowledge that any such suspension or termination will not subject the Site to any liability to you or anyone else. Your sole and only remedy if you are unhappy with the Site or any of its terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines, or operating procedures is to stop using the Site.


Before placing an order for any products from the Sellers (“We,” “Our,” or “Us,” as appropriate) on the Site, please carefully read these terms. Your acceptance of these terms indicates that you agree to be bound by them.


VAT is included, and the prices are shown in USD. It is the seller of the goods or services who lists them on the website. The price of an item as shown on its product detail page will always be reflected in your shopping cart. Note that this price may differ from the one displayed for the item when you originally added it to your cart. The price that is displayed at the time you add an item to your cart is not reserved. Between the time you put an item in your cart and the time you make a transaction, its price can also come down.

For any products sold by any seller on our website or on other websites, we do not provide price matching.

Although we make every effort to give our users the most accurate pricing information possible on the Site, mistakes can sometimes happen. For example,n an item’s price is incorrectly posted there. Therefore, we have the right to reject or revoke any order. In the case that an item is mispriced, we reserve the right to either get in touch with you to get instructions or to cancel your order. We will let you know about it. Regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and your prepayment has been received, we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any such orders. Our return rules will be in effect if such a cancellation affects your prepaid order. Please be aware that Fyid has complete ownership of the return amount. Typically, the refund amount is determined by subtracting any applicable discounts and shipping costs from the price the buyer actually paid.

On each product information page as well as elsewhere on the site, we provide availability details for products that are mentioned. We cannot be more detailed about availability than what is stated on that page or elsewhere on the Site. The dispatch estimates are simply that—estimates. They should not be taken as guaranteed shipment times because they are not. If any of the products you ordered turn out to be out of stock as we process your order, you will be notified by email or text message.

Please be aware that occasionally orders cannot be processed for a number of reasons. Any order may be rejected or canceled by the Site at any time, for any reason. Before we approve the order, you could be asked for more proof or details, such as your phone number and address.

We reserve the right to validate your payment information before sending you the product and to double-check any personal data you supply to us in order to prevent credit card or debit card fraud. A check of an individual’s identification, residence, or banking information may be used as part of this verification. If such a question is not answered, the order will automatically be canceled within a reasonable amount of time. Without any warning or further legal repercussions, we have the right to cancel an order directly if we believe there is a risk of fraudulent use of banking instruments. This is for any other reason.

Refund voucher

Refund vouchers can be used on our website as full payment or partial payment for purchases within the specified time frame.

Vouchers for refunds cannot be used on another account.

If a voucher expires, it cannot be replaced.

Refund Voucher Codes may only be used once. Even if the order value is less than the remaining voucher value, any remaining Refund Voucher balance will not be returned and cannot be applied to subsequent transactions.


All fees, prices, and charges related to purchasing products from the Site must be paid by you. You agree to pay all associated taxes in accordance with the law currently in effect.


When goods or services are sold by third parties through the Site, we do not represent or guarantee anything about the characteristics (such as the caliber, worth, marketability, etc.) of the goods or services listed to be offered there. No products or services on the Site are sold or purchased with our support or endorsement, either implicitly or expressly. On behalf of itself or third parties, we assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Any non-performance or breach of any agreement made between you and the seller is not our responsibility. We are unable to and do not guarantee sellers’ or your conduct as they complete transactions on the Site. Any problem or disagreement resulting from transactions on our site is not subject to our obligation to mediate or settle it.

We never acquire ownership of or have any claims to the goods or services offered by a seller during any transaction that you enter into with a third party on our site. Therefore, we have no obligations or liabilities with respect to such contract(s) that you and the vendor have entered into (s). Inadequate or delayed service delivery, as well as damages or delays brought on by out-of-stock, unavailable, or back-ordered goods, are not our responsibility.

You agree that under such circumstances, the seller or the Site may cancel your order without prior notice or any liability resulting therefrom. Pricing for any product(s) or related information as reflected on the Site may, due to a technical problem, typographical error, or other reason, be incorrect as published. According to our stated refund policy, all prepayments made for such items will be returned to you.


  • Stock availability: The orders depend on the stock level.

  • Delivery Schedule: According to Fyidi, the delivery may take longer than expected.

    Delivery may be delayed owing to a force majeure event, such as political unrest, a political event, national or public holidays, etc.

  • Cancellation: Fyidi maintains the unrestricted right to cancel any order prior to dispatch at its sole discretion and for any reason, including, but not limited to, the product being mispriced, out of stock, expired, defective, malfunctioning, and containing incorrect information or description due to a technical or typographical error, as well as for any other reason.

  • Refund Period: If a purchase is canceled, the payment for that order will be returned within 10 to 15 working days, though in rare circumstances it may take longer. As long as the amount of cashback that was received, if any, is balanced with the amount of the refund.

Please be aware that we only offer products in quantities that are appropriate for the basic requirements of a typical household. This is true regardless of how many items are ordered in a single order or how many orders are placed for the same item. This is true whether the order contains an amount that is average for a typical household. Review our refund policy.