Privacy Policy

Keeping your privacy safe. Improving your buying experience better. Your trust is extremely valuable to us.

The reasons we gather information, the information we gather, the ways in which we utilize the information, and the choices you have regarding our use of it are all things for which we strive for clarity and transparency. 

Additionally, we might gather, utilize, and distribute de-identified or aggregate data. We gather data so we can help you purchase more efficiently and for less money. The tenets listed below serve as a framework for our privacy policy and serve as our way of doing business. They are:

  • We value your privacy and are committed to safeguarding it.
  • We are open and honest about how and why we collect data.
  • The information we collect allows us to give value to our consumers by saving them money and improving their purchasing experience.

However, we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time when our company, the law, or customer needs change. By selecting the Privacy Policy link at the bottom of The Fyidi websites, you may always access the most recent privacy policy. You agree to the terms of this Privacy Statement by using our sites and services. Customers in the US get our services, and our Privacy Policy is subject to U.S. legal regulations. We are likewise dedicated to making sure that people with impairments may access our messages. Please get in touch with us if you have any requests about accessibility.



Why We Collect Information

Examples of how we gather, use, and exchange data to make our shops, websites, and mobile applications better and safer are provided below.


To Optimize

  • Supplying goods and services that improve both your in-store and online shopping experience with us.
  • Creating fresh goods and services to satisfy your demands
  • Better understanding of how you use our websites, services, and goods
  • Evaluating how well you think of our programs and services
  • Taking care of customer service issues
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of our goods, services, and retail encounters in order to find improvements


To Touch

  • Sending pertinent information, targeted adverts, and other messages, such as methods to save on the products you purchase the most frequently or that you would like based on your past interests.
  • Delivering customized information and experiences through our websites, mobile apps, and mail
  • Presenting tailored offers, details, and advertisements from The Fyidi or our marketing partners (as described in “How We Share Your Information”) on other websites and mobile applications
  • Notifying you about product recalls to help keep you and your family safe
  • Responding to your inquiries, comments, and applications for job openings


To Defend

  • Safe payment processing
  • Appropriately filling orders
  • Protecting the assets or other rights of our clients, employees, and the business
  • Detection of security issues, prevention of harmful, deceptive, fraudulent, or unlawful activities, and prosecution of offenders;
  • Observing the law when buying a certain product or in other situations where it’s necessary


How We Access This information We Collect

The personal information types outlined in “What Personal Information We Collect” are used to serve the following use cases:

  • To provide marketing messages such as product discounts, targeted promotions, and special offerings
  • Providing the necessary product or service functionality (such as credit card application, online payment, fulfilling subscription services, etc.)
  • To keep you updated about orders, purchases, returns, services, accounts, programs, promotions, and sweepstakes.
  • Responding to your communications
  • Providing assistance with customer service requests and inquiries
  • New product and service development and distribution, such as mobile applications or grocery delivery
  • Completing online transactions
  • When you visit our website, use one of our mobile applications, or otherwise interact with us online, we may send you adverts and promotions.
  • Displaying interest-based advertisements for products, services, promotions, and other company activities that you might be interested in
  • Creating engagement figures for our online assets and analyzing the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional efforts
  • Detecting and preventing identity theft and fraud
  • Keeping necessary documents for internal administrative and other business objectives
  • Making our websites and mobile applications more functional
  • Notifying customers about product recalls
  • To carry out fundamental application, employment, and management duties, such as gathering information needed to reduce public health risks in our facilities or to resolve safety inquiries.
  • Fyidi may provide personal information to third parties to provide or improve our products and services, such as to deliver products at your request or to assist Fyidi in marketing or advertising relevant products and services to you; when we do, we require those third parties to handle it in accordance with applicable laws.
  • Other purposes as specified at the time (such as credit card application, etc.)


How We Collect Data About You

How We Access Personal Information

The following are the types of personal information that we may collect from or about you. Every individual’s data may not be collected in all categories.

Your legal name or preferred alias, online identifiers like user account names, state and federal government ID numbers (if necessary), and your signature are all examples of unique personal identifiers.

  • Your degree of education, your occupation, or any other demographic data provided with us by third parties—through social media or other publicly accessible sources, for example—such as your demographic information
  • Contact details such your phone number, email address, and postal address
  • Please see the section below headed “Protected Health Details” for more information. If you are a client of one of our health care operations, we may collect health and health insurance information about you, such as prescription numbers and health insurance identity numbers.
  • Information pertaining to finances and payments, including credit and debit card information; credit
  • Inferences we take about you, such as demographic interest groups we think apply to you and your household based on examination of other data we have gathered
  • Video, CCTV footage, and cameras from within our facilities for use in fraud investigations, for security reasons, and for operational reasons including gauging traffic patterns and keeping track of inventory levels
  • Characteristics that fall under state or federal law’s “protected classifications,” such as “gender” and “nationality,”
  • Recordings or monitoring data from our customer contact centers’ call centers
  • Other categories of personal data that we may share with you before the initial collection

You willingly provide us with some personal information as well. This includes data entered when signing up for our loyalty program, making an account on one of our websites, or in situations where it’s required by law. For instance:

  • Address, name, phone number, and email
  • payments details
  • Preferences in communication and shopping
  • Password that has been encrypted
  • For some sorts of sales and for ID verification, provide your driver’s license number.

In order to carry out basic employment and management functions, such as dispersing payroll and offering benefits, we may collect additional information about you if you are an employee or job applicant. This information may include employment information, such as occupation, title, licenses, professional memberships, and other information. If you’re looking for a job, we might gather contact information about you as part of the application process, such as a phone number or email address so we can get in touch with you about job openings, as well as other details like your background, your employment history, and your qualifications.


Personal Information Sources

When you visit one of our stores, websites, or use one of our mobile applications, utilize one of our online services, or watch one of our online advertising, we may gather certain information about you. The data we may get can be divided into three categories: (1) Data you provide; (2) Data we automatically gather from you; and (3) Data we gather from other sources. These other sources could be service providers, data brokers, market research companies, sources that are accessible to the general public, or other third parties with whom you contact or conduct business.

We might gather data from a third party’s website, for instance, if you connect to one of our websites or mobile apps through that third party. If you want to link your social network accounts to The Fyidi, for instance, the site may provide us access to certain data from those accounts as permitted by your account settings.


Cookies and Other Technologies

We may automatically gather information about you when you visit our websites, use our mobile apps, or open one of our emails using device identifiers, cookies, and other technologies, such as:

  • Web Protocol address
  • Unique user ID or device ID
  • Kind of computer and browser
  • Website address cited
  • Pages and content you access via our mobile applications or websites
  • Dates, hours, and locations where events occur

We use this technology, like other online advertising service providers, to administer and troubleshoot our systems, to recognize you so we can improve your online experience, and to offer interest-based advertising. Browser Do-Not-Track signals are not honored by our sites. As further outlined in our section below on advertising, these cookies are frequently gathered by or otherwise shared with service providers as well as third-party advertising partners.


Third-Party Technology

To better understand your online behavior, we employ third-party technology. This allows us to offer relevant material online and send you relevant emails. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies by third parties, such as third-party analytics or online monitoring businesses, whose services or sites may be connected to through our sites and services. We provide connections to third-party websites in order to provide our customers with additional goods, services, or information. The Fyidi. is not liable for any information you send to a third party directly. Any information or Fyidi-specific information you supply when accessing a third-party website, such as Loyalty program data, is subject to the privacy policies of that company.

If you register for or use such third-party websites, both The Fyidi. and the third-party may obtain information gathered as a result of your use of the websites, as specified in the privacy policies on those websites. We, like all website owners, have no access to or control over the cookies that other websites may place on your computer.


We may share data with third parties for the following commercial reasons:
  • Fyidi and our Affiliates: We may share your information within our company and our subsidiaries and connected firms for decision making, reporting, administration, analysis, running programs, promoting service offerings, and other business objectives.
  • Service Providers: We may share your information with service providers who help us with things like hosting our websites, postal delivery and electronic mail, mobile messages, product and service delivery, conducting research to improve our products, websites, and store experiences, fulfilling orders you place, managing payments, and answering your questions. Service providers are only permitted to retain, use, disclose, or otherwise handle the information they receive from us for the purposes for which they were contracted; we do not permit them to retain, use, disclose, or otherwise manage the data for their own purposes.
  • Marketing Partners: We may share your information with marketing partners in order to display online, mobile, or other advertising based on your purchases, activity on websites and mobile apps, and preferences you share with us in order to provide you with promotions and special offers that may be of interest to you. We may also share information with marketing partners to assist us in analyzing data and providing more relevant, targeted communications to you, which may be supplemented with information from other sources.
  • Third-Party Sites and Services: We may share your information with third-party sites and services in order to develop and provide special services or offers that may be of interest to you. When we share information with third parties, we require them to manage it in line with applicable laws. We may also disclose aggregated information about you that does not directly identify you but can be used for statistical analysis and other commercial purposes. We may also share your information when you interact with a third party on purpose, such as when you click on a link to a third-party website, product, or service from one of Fyidi’s websites, products, applications, or services.We may also be able to assist you in establishing your own direct relationship with another party. For example, if you purchase grocery delivery and choose a third-party delivery service, you authorize Fyidi to share the information you supply throughout the order process with that third-party in order for that third-party to provide the service. In some circumstances, we may assist you in transferring part of your information required for that service so that you do not have to manually retype it. We will continue to comply with this privacy policy for the data we have in these circumstances, but it is important to remember that you have established a different relationship with that third-party and will be subject to their privacy rules. Fyidi is not liable for the privacy practices of other parties.
  • With Third Parties, including Governmental Authorities, for Lawful Purposes: We may share your information if we believe it is required by law, or if we believe it is otherwise necessary to comply with the law, regulatory requirements, requests from public authorities, or to enforce our agreements or policies, or to protect the rights and property of our customers, the company, our partners, or the public (including for fraud prevention purposes). Furthermore, if The or a business unit or any of its assets is sold to another company, such as in a merger, acquisition, or other corporate reorganization, we will maintain our current Privacy Policy until data is transferred to that new company and data is covered by their privacy policy.

With Advertising

Purchase-Based Marketing

We may use your purchase history to assist The and other third-party businesses offer adverts on The and third-party websites, mobile apps, and other digital media channels that are more relevant to you. We will not increase the number of adverts you view, but we will assist in delivering more tailored advertisements and offerings to you (e.g. the relevant ads that you receive from participating in our Loyalty program).


We Protect Your Information


We establish and maintain reasonable security methods and procedures relevant to the nature of the information we keep, including appropriate technical, administrative, and physical safeguards to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of your information both online and offline. For example, we encrypt certain sensitive personal information we share with you using Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL). Access to data is thus restricted through the use of technological measures. For the processing of credit and debit card transactions, we also adhere to payment card industry data security standards. Only Associates who require the information to execute a specific task are permitted access to our clients’ data. Associates that violate consumer privacy safeguards face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

It is your obligation to choose a strong password, not to reuse or distribute your password, and to notify us if you suspect illegal use of your account. We recommend that you use complicated passwords and change them on a frequent basis.


Personal Information Retention

We keep the following personal information about you that we have collected:

  • Where you have registered on our website or through one of our mobile applications; and
  • As long as necessary to enable us to exercise our rights and perform our obligations under our applicable terms of service, including this privacy notice; and
  • Long enough for us to contact you about recalls and other safety-related information pertaining to products you purchased from us.


Your Choices and Rights Regarding Privacy and Communications

Communication is a crucial component of our connection with you, which we appreciate.
We are aware that everyone of our consumers is unique, and that they all have different communication preferences. We provide you with the tools to control the types of messages you receive from us and the option to manage or modify your preferences as a result. Here’s how to go about it:


Internet, mobile, and email communications

You can manage your subscriptions to email, mobile, and online communication programs, such as our Weekly Ad and Specials & Promotions newsletters, via your Communications Preferences if you have an online account with The


Buying-Based Marketing

You can choose and manage your preferences via your Communications Settings or get in touch with us using the methods outlined in this privacy notice if you would rather that your purchase history not be used to tailor the advertising you already receive online, on mobile devices, or in other digital channels. If you make any changes to your settings, kindly give them time to take effect.


Advertising based on interests

The Digital Advertising Alliance, a group that has created self-regulatory guidelines for interest-based advertising, allows you to manage your exposure to the majority of interest-based advertising. For additional information, go to Additionally, some websites (like Facebook) allow users to directly opt out of interest-based advertising on their websites. Please give any adjustments a reasonable length of time to take effect.


Are Children Allowed to Use Leonics Services?

Children are not permitted to purchase products from Leonics. Children’s products are available for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may only use Leonics Services with the consent of a parent or guardian. Children under the age of 13 may not provide personal information to us without their parent’s or guardians’ consent.